Further Reading
An Introduction to Auracle: Slides which present the key concepts of Auracle and the overall architecture of the system.
The Broadcast Works and Audium: A talk by Max Neuhaus which provides details about Auracle's history.
The Architecture of Auracle: A Real-Time, Distributed, Collaborative Instrument: A poster presented by C. Ramakrishnan at New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2004 in Hamamatsu, Japan.
Tools Used While Developing Auracle: A Voice-Controlled, Networked Instrument: A poster written by Kristjan Varnik and presented by Jason Freeman at ACM Multimedia 2004 in New York.
Adaptive High-level Classification of Vocal Gestures Within a Networked Sound Instrument: A paper presented by Jason Freeman at the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2004 in Miami, Florida.